Hot springs are a popular natural attraction that are just as relaxing as they are beautiful.
However, if you have ever visited a popular hot spring during the peak of its season, you know that there are a lot of people using the same water. So that begs the question, is hot spring water clean?
Whether developed or wild, most hot spring water is relatively clean and safe to use.
The way the water stays clean is different depending on whether the hot springs are developed or wild, but we’ll get into more detail about that later.
This article is going to explain where hot spring water comes from and whether or not the water is clean.
Hot Spring Hunt Fact: Have you ever wondered if hot spring water is safe to drink? Find out here.
Is Hot Spring Water Clean?
Most hot spring water is clean and safe to use.
Hot springs feature pure spring water that has been heated by subsurface magma and bubbled through cracks in the earth’s surface. Unlike water sourced from rain or bodies of water, the heat and movement of the water prevent it from becoming stagnant and developing harmful pathogens.
There are two different types of hot springs that you need to consider: developed hot springs and wild hot springs. The way they stay clean is slightly different so let’s look at them more closely.
Developed Hot Springs
The more developed hot springs that charge an entrance fee are relatively well-controlled and follow strict guidelines about purifying ad treating the water. The water is also replaced regularly to keep it fresh and safe, especially when many people are using it at once.
Each location will have its own techniques to keep the pools clean for its guests. Often the methods will be used in conjunction with one another to ensure the cleanliness of the hot spring water.
Developed hot springs are kept clean using three main methods:
- Drainage- This is the most natural way to keep hot springs clean. In many locations, the water will flow in from one side and exit out the other, so it is constantly moving. This will lead to the water being totally replaced every six hours or so.
Many hot springs will close weekly to completely empty and refill the pools.
- Ozone filtration- This external filtration system uses ozone gas to kill bacteria and reduces the amount of chlorine needed.
The water will be circulated into an ozone generator that filters it before sending it back into the pool.
- Chlorine- I know adding chlorine to a natural pool seems unfortunate, but when you have many people using your facility, then it is almost unavoidable.
A small amount of chlorine will be added to work alongside the above techniques to keep the pool clean with the least amount of chemicals possible.
Wild Hot Springs
Wild hot springs may not have the facilities surrounding them that make it feel like a spa experience but finding a spring like this hidden in nature is so much more rewarding!
When it comes to water cleanliness, the upside to these wild hot springs is that they are often located in more remote areas and require you to hike to get to them. This means that they will be less busy than developed hot springs and have fewer people frequenting them and contaminating the water.
Like the developed springs, wild hot springs use circulation to keep the water clean. Hot springs that are running are the least likely to develop pathogens or experience insects on the surface, so these are considered safer than stagnant pools.
Since no chemicals are present, algae will likely form in the pool, but this is usually completely safe. The only time you need to worry is if you see blue-green algae that can be toxic. Some bacteria may be present along with the algae, but the pathogens are not usually harmful.
Hot Spring Hunt Fact: Since hot spring water is so good for your skin, what about your hair? Find out about the effects of hot spring water on your hair here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do hot springs hold bacteria?
Unfortunately, due to their heat, it is possible for human pathogens to survive in hot springs.
In developed hot springs, these pathogens are kept under control using chemicals and cycling water regularly.
Can you put your head under the water in a hot spring?
Putting your head under the water in a hot spring is not recommended.
This is due to the potential for microbes to enter your body through the mucus in your nose and eyes. This may be rare, but it has resulted in the death of multiple people, so it needs to be taken seriously.
It’s understandable to be cautious of attractions like this that involve large amounts of people and shared bodies of water.
Luckily, as we now know, hot spring water is clean and safe to use. They are kept clean through many means, including chlorine and drainage.
I hope this encourages you to look up your closest hot spring and give one a try.